Ways To Memorize Things
Imagine youre memorizing a few states and their capitals from west to east. For example as you walk your neighborhood name the items you see and associate. How To Memorize Fast And Easily Youtube If you have to learn a lot of text try memorizing it in parts first and then all together. Ways to memorize things . A person with good memory power can be smarter than others. Brain games are a great way of keeping your mind sharp. Color-coding your notes by. Dont just see a tree think tree and then think of Trevor trippin out trucks trick or treat and everything you can muster. This is especially useful if youre trying to memorize information from a lecture. How to Memorize Quickly Method 1 of 5. Combine this simple association exercise with neurobics and youll be amazed by how fast you can get. How to Memorize More and Faster Than Other People 1. Now memorize the new lesson material by association it via visual imagery with the pegs. So the next time youre try...