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Star Sign Rising And Moon

Cancer Scorpio or Piscesyou are sensitive empathetic and easily influenced by your environment. Your Moon Sign is just as important as your Sun Sign and reveals what you do instinctively how you are likely to react emotionally and what you need to feel comfortable. Astrology Astrology Zodiac Birth Chart Astrology The ascendant Rising sign The ascendant abbreviation AC is the Zodiac sign that appears on the Eastern horizon at a persons birth more precisely. Star sign rising and moon . Be careful howeverpeople may hide behind an ascendant mask while the moon sign is a more accurate expression of ones true personality in relationships. Impacts the way other people see you and influences your appearance. Developing a greater understanding of your sun moon and rising sign is a great place to start in astrology. Read about the sign of your Ascendant otherwise known as rising sign here. 3 The position of the Moon in sign which highlights your inner world your sensitivity and your...