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Who Were The Leaders Of The Civil Rights Movement

Was an activist and a Baptist minister. The best known leader of the Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther King Jr. Civil Rights Movement Best Of History Web Sites Senator Harry Byrd of Virginia responded to the civil rights movement by rallying against the national desegregation of public schools. Who were the leaders of the civil rights movement . Possibly the most well-known figure in the Civil Rights movement Martin Luther King Jr. Andrew Goodman James Chaney and Michael Henry Schwerner were not high-profile leaders of the civil rights movement but were nevertheless kidnapped and murdered for the crime of working for civil. After his assassination he was memorialized by Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr Malcolm X Medgar Evers and John Lewis. Grew up in Atlanta GA the son of prominent pastor Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. In 1956 US. Martin Luther King Sr. First Lady of Little Rock Daisy Bates was a complex unconventional and largely forgotten heroine of ...